New rules for plusvalia municipal
New plusvalia municipal: because of a Spanish Constitutional Court ruling, the Spanish government changed the method of calculation.
New plusvalia municipal: because of a Spanish Constitutional Court ruling, the Spanish government changed the method of calculation.
When you sell or donate a property in Spain, as a private individual you pay capital gains tax on the actual capital gain. For non-residents, there is a fixed
Selling a property in Spain comes with some costs. In our previous articles, we discussed the sales process. This article will explain more
Following the article on the split purchase in Spain, we received a question about gifting with reservation of usufruct. Is this an interesting way to
If you have plans to emigrate to Spain, it is best to consider the consequences on your tax situation. After all, these consequences can be far-reaching.
When selling a Spanish property, you are required to pay capital gains tax in Spain. However, capital gains tax also exists for other assets,