Investing in Catalan property becomes more unattractive
Investing in real estate in Catalonia is becoming more unattractive. Governments in Catalonia target landlords with absurd legislation
Investing in real estate in Catalonia is becoming more unattractive. Governments in Catalonia target landlords with absurd legislation
A property in Spain with debts: when buying in Spain, you take on the burdens associated with the property. How do you resolve this?
Here you will find more information on rentals in Catalonia. For rentals shorter than 31 days you will need a HUT number.
Are you planning to invest in Spanish property? This article gives a rough overview of the main points to consider when buying a second residence
Are you considering buying property in the Costa Brava? Then take transaction costs into account. Therefore, this article will discuss the cost of buying property in
When Belgians or Dutch people inherit property in Catalonia, they owe Spanish inheritance tax. Spanish national legislation regulates both inheritance tax and gift tax,
Buying new construction in Spain comes with some risks. After all, you are buying an unfinished flat or villa in a foreign country. Therefore, this article explains