New rules for plusvalia municipal
New plusvalia municipal: because of a Spanish Constitutional Court ruling, the Spanish government changed the method of calculation.
All posts about Spain.
New plusvalia municipal: because of a Spanish Constitutional Court ruling, the Spanish government changed the method of calculation.
Transfer taxes in Andalusia remain at 7% and 1.2% respectively. The reduced rates will remain in place indefinitely.
One of the first things you put in order after buying a home is your fire insurance. In Belgium, this is compulsory. At
Typically, you will pay 10% VAT on new construction in Spain. However, 21% VAT applies in some cases. Find more information here.
Do the agreements in the marriage contract remain valid after emigrating to Spain? This article provides more information on validity.
The right of occupancy in Spain is an inheritance planning tool. This is a light version of a split purchase in Spain.
Foreign KI form: here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to fill in the form for the KI foreign property.
Forgetting Spanish taxes results in late payment interest and increases. So it is better to file your tax return on time.
A property in Spain with debts: when buying in Spain, you take on the burdens associated with the property. How do you resolve this?
Moving into a property in Spain is not always immediate. When can you stay in your new home for the first time?
With the growing popularity of the Spanish property market, cowboys are back. Find out more in this article.
During 2022, a new method of estimating property in Spain is expected. Mainly affects inheritance and gift tax.