Environmental permit application: be careful when deviating from planning regulations
When applying for an environmental permit, there are several options for deviating from town planning regulations.
Here you will find all our information about applying for an environmental permit.
When applying for an environmental permit, there are several options for deviating from town planning regulations.
Under certain conditions, a zoned function change is now possible. This article provides more information on the legislation
The importance of project-mer screening was confirmed by the State Council. It is especially necessary for large real estate projects.
The presumption of licence is important for new licences for old or zoned buildings. Find more information here.
When can you start the works? In this article, we discuss the main rules regarding the enforceability of a permit.
Here is an overview of the main rules that apply when applying for a permit to build on the plot boundary.
This contribution provides an overview of all the steps of a procedure at the Licensing Disputes Board.
Nitrogen ruling leads to refusal of permit if emissions increase. Problematic for agriculture and industry. Find more information here.
On a zoned property, you are not allowed to carry out all works just like that. This is subject to certain restrictions. You will find more information in this entry.
In our files, we see an increasingly important role of local policy visions in refusing planning permission. The concrete stop/build shift has also
Why regularise a construction offence? There are risks and restrictions associated with properties with construction offences. Find more info here.
Are you going to add on to an existing house? Installing a veranda as an extension? Extending an overhang? More info on the rules here