Overview of our upcoming webinars

We are excited to announce our latest series of webinars on Spanish real estate! You will find a number of webinars on safe property buying and selling in Spain. We also deliver in-depth knowledge for professionals in the market through a number of specialised webinars. 

Below is an overview of our upcoming sessions. Make sure to register early to reserve your spot!

1. Free webinar: 'Missteps when buying a property in Spain'

Date: Thursday 27 June 2024 
Time: 20:00 - 21:00

Register: via this link.

In this webinar, we discuss three common missteps (and the consequences) when buying property in Spain.

2. Free webinar: 'Selling Spanish property: how do I ensure a smooth sale?'

Date: Thursday 25 July 2024
Time: 20:00 - 21:00

Register: via this link

You will learn more about how to prepare for the sale of your Spanish property and what taxes and fees you need to consider.

3. Accredited training course: 'Selling Spanish property: legal essentials for Belgian estate agents'

Date: Thursday, 01 August 2024
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
Price: 95 euros + VAT

Registration and more info here

In this recognised IPI training (recognition: 3 hours), we discuss the legal framework for starting up as an estate agent in Spain yourself.

4. Webinar: 'Succession planning with Spanish property'

Date: Thursday, 12 September 2024
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Price: 41 euros + VAT

Register: via this link

During this webinar, we will discuss the most common techniques for succession planning with Spanish property.

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