Approved Training "Inheriting and gifting in Spain: practical steps and applicable taxes"

In this training we discuss the procedures of settling an estate and gift in Spain and explain the basic principles of Spanish inheritance and gift tax. This training is of interest if you advise Belgian clients with property in Spain or Belgian clients with family living in Spain.

Dates and location

E-learning on demand of 2h.


Glenn Janssens, lawyer and partner at Confianz, specialist in assisting with property transactions (purchases - sales - gifts - inheritances) in Spain.


Topics covered include:

1) Inherit wealth in Spain from a Flemish national resident/testator (80 minutes)

  • Which inheritance law applies?
  • Brief overview of Spanish inheritance law
  • What is the process for settling an estate of a Belgian resident with assets in Spain? 
  • What documents does a Spanish notary need? 
  • How is Spanish property valued in the context of an inheritance or gift? 
  • When does Spanish inheritance tax apply?
  • The importance of the Spanish autonomous region in calculating tax.
  • How is the tax calculated? 
  • Which exemptions and tax reductions and increases apply?
  • What are the declaration deadlines?
  • What other Spanish taxes should we take into account when inheriting?
  • What about the accretion of usufruct?

2) Donating assets in Spain by a Flemish resident (40 minutes)

  • What is the procedure for a donation in Spain?
  • What documents do the parties involved need?
  • What if one of the beneficiaries of a gift is married?
  • When does Spanish gift tax apply?
  • Which exemptions and tax reductions and increases apply?
  • Risk of double gift tax?
  • What are the declaration deadlines?
  • National capital gains tax on a gift explained.
  • Municipal capital gains tax on a gift explained.

How to register.

The participation fee is EUR 94.63 excluding VAT, totalling EUR 114.50 including VAT.

You can register via the link below:

Register training "Inheriting and gifting in Spain: practical steps and applicable taxes"

How to participate?

  • After registering, you will receive a link to participate by e-mail.
  • Afterwards, you will also receive an e-mail to download the documentation. 
  • There are a number of review questions during the webinar.
  • After attending the on-demand webinar, you will receive an evaluation form

This course is recognised by the National Chamber of Notaries under ID 564670 for 2 training hours.

Recognition BIV: 2 hours.

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